Socom 2 has what it takes to be the best online tactical shooter of its time. What it needs to achieve this goal is the backing by those who designed it. The single player aspect of socom 2 is very similiar to that of socom 1, we have a problem across the world and we need you to handle it. Some of the missions are setup pretty nice and the new enviroments are pretty. As for this new enemy A.I, where is it? I have to say that the tangos (Thats terrorists for all you non-socom types) seem to have a very set path and very set directional changes. There will be time that you will let loose a volly of fire at a group of tangos and watch them all run in a straight line, stop, turn and run the other way. Any one who has ever played socom (Hell, even heard of it)knows that this games bread and butter is in its online playability. Which I am sad to say has severely demised since the days of socom 1. Now there are those out there that are going to say that, for me to say that, I must suck at this game online. Not true by any means and through out my online career on socom I had gotten quite good (Good enough to have a 500 member following). My problem with this game online lies with its host, sony. They have let this great game go bad by neglecting thier servers and not listening to thier customers. Myself and around a couple other socom addicts wrote sony a comprised email stating our disheartened experience with thier product and our pooled hopes that they would be able to fix the current state in which the game had come to rest in. Thier reply to us was that there was no problem with the game and if there was, then thier email would be full of letters from angry gamers.So we did just that. We went to every forum we could find and asked people to help us "Write to right socom" and over 200 people did just that. Our hopes were shot down when every one of those people recieved a standard response letter. Untill sony does something about thier servers, I suggest X-Box live.
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Socom is the most realistic modern shooter to date, and is easily the best exclusive game for the PS3. The trilogy is shaping up to be a power house in the gaming community. It also has a great replay value that spurs fl... Read Full Review
Everything about this game is a instant classic, after socom 1 us navy seals came out I was hooked good game, but socom 2 put it on the map, not just good but excellent. Everything about this game took my life away lol. ... Read Full Review