" Easily beat SOCOM 1 as the best online and offline shooter."

User Rating: 8.3 | SOCOM II: U.S. Navy SEALs PS2
SOCOM 2 is the 2nd game in the SOCOM series. It follows a group of 4 US Navy Seals as they seek to take down a terrorist cell in such places as brazil and the middle east. There have been some changes made to the characters. Do you remember Boomer? that idiot who kept running in front of you while you were shooting, well he is gone and a much smarter and better shooting man has taken his place. GRAPHICS- the graphics looked realy good! Since most of the game took place in a desert enviroment, the developers had to realy capture what war was like in a urban enviroment, and they cam through with flying colors! There is constantlysand and dirt flying around which realisticly hinders your vision, and and makes it hard to see. The character models look a lot better than they did in SOCOM 1. The faces are now some-what recognizable, and the guns now look like there real-life counterpart. The enviroments look and feel real. You will see burning cars or flying debrie. The fire s in the game look really real. The other different enviroments you come across are Jungles, and castles and open fields. The rest of the game looks great! The jungles look lush and full to the brim with tree's and bushes and grass. And several different animals can be heard which adds more realism to the game, overall the graphics have definately been improved and look a lot better than in the 1st one. SOUND- The soundtrack was pretty good. It consisted of mainly consisted of rock music. When the action heated up, the soundtrack would follow the pace of the game. The sound effects were well done also. The sounds of gun's in the distance, explosion from airstrikes, it was sll in the game and done really well. The gun's sounded real due to the fact tahtbthey actrually recorded the real sounds of the guns. The voice acting had the same voice actors from #1 back again. Except for the new character named Spector. They didnt really talk alot. only when radio requences were passed back and forth. the silence sometimes felt weird and uncomfotable. Overall the sound was pretty good. GAMEPLAY- SOCOM 2 spans across 12 missions, most of them being stealth missions such as infiltrating a enemy post and rescuing him, to being able to go all out rambo! each of your 4 squad members can normally take care of themselves and are some-what good shots. you may have to help them sometimes, or have them re-group since they tend to wander of sometimes. The enemy AI is really well done! When they are shot at, they will hide behind walls, or find cover nearby. You can choose your weapons loadout at the mission briefing screen. This screen includes: the mission briefing, weapons loadout, and mission objectives. The missions are noramlly pretty lign and test your patients. Now onto online play!! I dont have PS2-online, however I spent hours at a friends house playing it with him. You can choose from different online modes, like capturing and holding a position, or capture the flag. Or just an allout firefigt. Up to `6 players can play on 1 map. 1 side has to be the terrorists or bad guys and the other side has to be the seals. Online is fun and rewarding! VALUE- If you love military shooters, and fun on-line action then this game is a must have. TILT- The soundtrack dissapointed me. but the gameplay makes up for it in the end. OVERALL- if you are tired of Ghost recon, go pick this game up! also check out the first one.