Socom comes shooting there way into our PS2 Online Experience with more then just a Cure againts Sony's Online Service!

User Rating: 9.1 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs: Combined Assault PS2
This is Socom U.S Navy Seals:Combined Assault.another PS2 shooter but its more then just any shooter! oh no its PS2's Online Savior!

So whats good about the gameplay?
Lets look at singleplayer.You have 3 Squad members and armed with a BIG closet of firearms! Since you have teammates you can guess that this is a Tactical shooter and your right! Your teammates are pretty smart for their own good and you have specific order system that works quite well.You'll be swimming in lakes,Fire Fighting in Caverns,Long range gunshots and the key tactic:Stealth but of course run and gun isnt bad as well but if you want to die run and gun is for you! So your teammates are smart Hurray for the Programers! They deserve a Medal! But our enemies can be as dumb as rocks on drugs.Boo Programers! You deserve a Demerit! and the graphics arent very programers better be listening! Ever Heard of God of War?!

The Key feature in this online savior.
32 Players online in massive lands ready for battle! Tanks and Vehicles and Jeeps armed with a Rocket Launcher! and my personal favorite! Houses meant for infantry only! Whats bad? I dunno I dont have a Network adaptor T-T I'm so unlucky.

If your a shooter and a PS2 fan and have a Network adaptor then Socom U.S Navy Seals:Combined Assault (Long name) is for you!