ive been a fan since Socom started, and now i remmber why. Socom and socom 2 where the best games because of their realism and there fun mulitplayer. When S2 came out i was in love with the game and its online mulitplayer and when i herd S3 was comnig out i had expected a great game and i expected the best. well when it came out i was highly dissapointed. The maps where boring the guns where not as strong and good, everything about the game sucked and i was so mad since i was a huge fan of the Socom series. Well when Socom Combined Assualt came out i was not expecting much since it was supposed to be more like an expansion pack for S3 kind of like Socom 3.5. So when i purchased it and started playing it felt liek a new game and i was instantly addicted again. This game brings back old memorys of S2 and it erases bad ones from S3. This game was a major step back in the right direction, i just hope the next Socom favors its orginal traits as combined assualt does.
Other Helpful Reviews for SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs: Combined Assault
Ok, the single player mode (with you and the game's "AI", don't know if I'd call it intelligence) is just as crappy (if not worse) than its predeccessor. Once again, Zipper has been able to re-create a SEAL te... Read Full Review
SOCOM U.S Navy Seals Combined Aussault is a very good game, but it is not as good as SOCOM 3, which was phenominal. The game could have been better with a lot less reliability on stealth. The levels are fun, the weapons ... Read Full Review