This is not the best of SOCOM.

User Rating: 8.5 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs: Combined Assault PS2
SOCOM U.S Navy Seals Combined Aussault is a very good game, but it is not as good as SOCOM 3, which was phenominal. The game could have been better with a lot less reliability on stealth. The levels are fun, the weapons are great, but I don't like Med Kits, they give you no reason to protect your team, when you can magically revive them.
One of the best weapons in the game is the AK 47, which if I recall, is only avalible if you "sync" Fire Team Bravo 2 with Combined Assault, which is kind of disappointing. This is still one of the best games there is. But it is not the best. So if you like the other SOCOM games, you should buy this directly, if your not familiar with these games, rent it, but I'm almost sure you'll like it, because this game is very enjoyable and quite long in fact. I hope this review helps you a little bit.

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