SOCOM remains the best PS2 game and the online is still addictive, but what happened to the single player campaign?

User Rating: 8.8 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs: Combined Assault PS2
After playing just about all of the SOCOM games, I realize that the first one still had the best friendly AI. Your squad in CA is the same as it was in S3 and that's not a good thing. They don't respond well to commands and lag and get caught on things as they always did, when does the fact that this game just came out make a difference? Well, the animations and graphics have definitely improved along with the level of detail found within the environments. The online multiplayer is as fun as ever if not better with the new maps, the new L2-does-everything button control works well during the campaign, and the weapons are still fun to shoot overall. So what's holding this game back? It has to be the number of glitches in the story mode. I know people say that they only play this game for the online, and that's definitely a good reason to play it, but shouldn't the single player at least have some fun and variety in it? Well it does, just not a lot. The levels may seem easy and fun and you still feel a sense of accomplishment beating them as in the previous games, but the difficulty spikes near the end with hidden objectives and somewhat time limits. SOCOM: CA still remains the best tactical shooter on the PS2 to date however because the mechanics of it don't seem to show age, they remain solid and the gameplay is satisfying despite some minor glitches and slight lag. The series may be showing some age in itself, but maybe that's because the developers are saving the good stuff for their next-gen release. This game is worth the money, but only if you don't have SOCOM 3. My SOCOM online tag is Engage1