I remember being thrilled when playing the original SOCOM and the equally good sequel. The missions in this game feel perfunctory with no sense of excitement,purpose or imagination. Gone are the stealth aspects which made the earlier games so much more tactical and enduring.
And don't even get me started on the AI of your team in this game! So many times one of them has killed himself by falling down a ladder got stuck behind an object, blown himself with a grenade or failed to clear a room properly and just sat there being shot at by the enemy until dead. What's the point of having teammates if they a)Can't follow you around b) Get stuck in the scenery c)can't clear a room and d)blow themselves up with their own grenades?
This being the fourth in the SOCOM series on the PS2 you would have thought that the developers would have really nailed the teammate AI down by now but the teammates are more stupid than ever before.
And where is the opportunity to use the Bravo team to overwatch in this game? It seems to be totally absent. Finally, a minor complaint, the scenery if drab and repetitive, this is because all the missions are set in the same country but it had me longing for the snow and jungle levels of socom 1 and 2 which were much more memorable.
I've been playing this game for over ten hours now but feel loath to finish it as it just isn't rewarding enough. Some people must be playing a different version of this game going by how much praise they give it.
Poor show!