Fast paced ,close quarter long range ,multiplayer, customizable, third person other words: awesome!!
First off its fast paced ,of coarce alot of shooters are but this is on psp and its an 8 on 8 game or free for all of 16, there arnt allot of psp games that can handle that and do as well either. The action of the game stays on the ground but really with the arsenal of weapons that you have and earn as you play is huge everything from your standard M16A2 to your AT4 rocket launcher, plus a few stealthy actions using a knife (during single player).Multiplayer as i said before can range between 2 people to 16 however you want it ,plus all kinds of game settings from a type of capture the flag deal to a last man standing.Meanwhile in the customizable area you can change character for multiplayer like your face ,clothing,gender,and much more.So what can i say ,this game in my opinion only has maybe 1 thing wrong with it,graphics and really even that isnt bad at all,so basically id just say this game is awesome!