If you bought it not knowing it was online only, you're an idiot!!!

User Rating: 8.5 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation PS3
Yea so I'm sick and tired of seeing reviewers give this game a bad rating because it has no single player. It has been known for nearly a year now that this game was going to have no single player. If you were shocked by this, you should have crawled out from under your rock before buying it.

If you enjoyed Socom 2 and you played for hours on end with your friends... you can expect the same experience. This game has all the fun and excitement, as well as the fantastic community of Socom 2, mixed in with amazing new graphics to create Socom's best game yet!

Are there some tech issues? Of course, who expects there not to be? Will they fix them? I'd assume so. Many are also complaining of the download times... if it took you 6 hours to download this, once again, you shouldn't have bought it cuz your internet blows! I run this game downstairs at 50% internet capacity and it runs lag free... so if you're experiencing a ton of lag... obviously your internet sucks. As for the 6 hour download time? You're an idiot. It takes 45 minutes to download, then it usually says that "loading profile failed, please redownload"... that means bupkis. Just hit cancel and you can go on your marry way playing the game... if it took you 6 hours to figure that out, then don't even bother ever buying any sort of "thinking game" again... go buy Beautiful Katamari and roll around for hours on end cuz clearly that's the only game you're brain is capable of handling.

All in all I gave the game an 8.5 mainly because of some "gettin kicked" issues and for having to push it back 2 years and still having a bunch of annoying issues that should have been taken care of already. Not to say that they shouldn't have any issues, but their servers should have been tested and ready long before the release... not just getting ready a month afterwards.

If you haven't bought it yet, and you loved Socom 2, buy it. You won't be disappointed. Get the bundle though so at least you get a headset out of it if you are. Could come in handy for Resistance 2 and the new Call of Duty if those games are more your style.

For now, I gotta get back to whoopin up noobs on Socom, hope to see you there! Gamertag: Pinzone.