Socom Confrontation is a highly addictive, amazing multiplayer game for all to enjoy!
Now some people, who don't have internet out there, you shouldn't buy this game, because there is no single player mode, only the highly addictive online multiplayer all Socom owners have come to love and adore!
This game gives you great graphics, and huge maps to fight in, you have many choices of game style!
Some people have said that they hate it because of the one life rule! This is not true! For those of you ready to trade it in, like I was, don't! You can just scroll down, and find custom games! These custom games are usually a lot of fun, and they usually have infinite respawn!
Everything about this game screams impressive, from the graphics, to the maps, to the gameplay!
Pick up a copy today from your local GameStop or EB games!
Also, look for it on PSN, new add-on pack coming soon!