This game has the most fun multi-player in any PSP game yet. The online play this game supports along with the headset is amazing. The core single player is very fun also. This game is more fn that Socom on the PS2 in my opinion. You only have one squad member to wory about and its more run and gun rather than stealth. The coustimizing of your wepons and cross-talk objectives with Socom 3 that unlock things are a nice toutch. The graphinc are a little dull but other than that this game is superb. If you want a good shooter on PSP pick this up. Especially if you can play online.
Other Helpful Reviews for SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo
Nearly every gamer knows what SOCOM is, and everyone who knows what SOCOM is knows that it's all about it's legendary multiplayer mode. Fireteam Bravo is a nearly flawless effort at introducing the series to the handheld... Read Full Review
Socom for the psp is actually pretty good. This game is supposed to be in link with the 3rd Socom game for ps2, storywise, and for unlocking extras. You and your teammate "lonestar" are fighting in these small missio... Read Full Review