It's Great But Not THAT Great.
First off the graphics, for a handheld game this is awesome the player models look good but tend to get bland due to low texturing but on a PSP what do you expect? They cant bump map everything like halo 2 and maintain anything close to a framerate we could tolerate. The level design in a little drab they threw in all the old maps and then chomped the graphics for a unbelievably good framerate.
Sound... WOW! the sound in this game is remarkable almost surpassing that of its PS2 brothers for what it is MY GOD!! each gun sounds distinct every footstep changes on different textures radio chatter from HQ sounds amazing and believable even the drunken idiots in Chile wandering around sound great (one guy actually claiming to have invented the Macarena!) The sound in this title seriously blew my mind!
The controls, while not being exactly what i hoped for they are great for a what they are needed for everything is there including a new gorgeous version of a lock on targeting system! While not allwing for the GTA-ish feel (target, run, shoot, they die maneuvers) it is great for helping you out on a small screen and with that damn overly sensitive analog nub on the PSP, all in all the characters move fleunty with your response times no lag no delays just greattight controls that fel right for this game.
Now for the best part, The Multiplayer being the only PSP game (other then Ridge Racer when it first released) to have people actually online in it, I have to say it's great. It's all here from Suppression (Team Deathmatch) to Demolition (Assault type game similar to Counterstrike) Just like Prego "IT'S ALL IN THERE" while adding the awesome feature for voice chat with an optional headset costing $19.99 it adds even more fun and replay value because saying "I'm done playing around with you, time to die!" by pressing "O" gets boring and cheesy. The online sets this game apart, over 30,000 online last time I was on at 11pm means theres always a game to play anytime anywhere!
IN conclusion this game rocks for anyone with a Wi-Fi and a PSP buy it love it never let it go!!!
Also if your feeling ballsy find me online my gamertag on SOCOM: FTB is "CptSmackahoe" happy gaming see ya soon!