Socom Us Navy Seals: Fire Team Bravo

User Rating: 8.4 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo PSP
After reading almost every review on the web, each one tells me how good Fire Team Bravo is. Since playing the campaign and online mode I've found that so far, Fire Team Bravo is the best PSP game out there yet. Sure the graphics could have been better, but then the levels wouldn't be as big, and for me I would rather the larger maps. Besides the graphics aren't as horrible as the people that reviewed it said it was. The campaign missions attend to go pretty fast, and the AI at times can be pretty dumb. For example, it doesn't matter how much noise i make (either than firing my gun) the AI wont hear me which then i can sneak up and knife him which is a little unrealistic. But due to great online quality, choice, and excitement...Socom won't leave my PSP for a long time. Also surprisingly there was no lagging online!! Now on with controls, everyone thought that due to the PS2 having 2 analog sticks, they were going to be very weird on the PSP. After playing about 25-35 minutes, i forgot all about the PS2 version controls. Sony did an absolute awsome job! There is a feature when you press the R button, you lock onto the enemy. Some people might not like that, but thats the only way you can do it with only one analog stick. Once again its not that big of a deal....

Pros: - Great online play (can't get enough online play)
- Huge maps
- 16 players online
- Great Sound
- Overall Controls were nicely done

Cons - Graphics could have been a tad better
- Campaign Missions need to be longer
- Haven't heard anything about head sets yet?
- AI can be dumb sometimes