Pretty Amazing if I do say so...

User Rating: 10 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo PSP
This game struck me first as a chance for Sony to get there act together. The PSP was lacking in games, good release titles, and other great release hardware. For the lack of better terms, the PSP's launch day sucked. I love my PSP, and I love the stuff it can do, but I am sorry, movies and music a game system does not make. This is an all in one portable media device, but this was also intended to play games. Good games, fun games, amazing games. Where were they? Here they are now! As we PSP owners waited patiently for the games to roll in, they are slowly coming into play. GTA, SOCOM, Midieval, and many more, are just the start. Cross talk with PS2 games is an amazing attribute to add, and then there will the PS3 cross talk, with long range music access. The PSP does it all, and does a great job too as an internet browser. This machine is amazing, and I don't think it's stopping here folks, just you wait. This machine is just starting. As for now though, this game hold all expectations that I had for it, minus the controls. The thumb stick, that blasted thumbstick. It gets me every time, but I deal with it, and now I actually like it! It just takes time to get used to, and once you see how fun it is online, you will go nuts at its awesome power. This game had potential from day one, and it followed through, and more, with an upcoming headset coming out November, 21st, at a retailer near you. This game is amazing, go get it! ---Jake