Socom is everything a PSP gamer could want...
The gameplay has changed a bit from PS2 additions to the Socom series. Fireteam Bravo introduces a completely new control scheme. Instead of one of those PSP games like Coded Arms, or Ghost In The Shell, which make you use the analog stick to move, and face buttons to aim, the developers of Socom realized a SMART way to make a shooter. The little nubby allows you to move back and forth, and turn. The left shoulder button allows you to go into a strafing mode similar to Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando. The right trigger allows you to lock on. Locking on is pretty easy, but this ain't no Dead To Rights, first of all, if you charge while shooting, chances are you won't hit anything, and you'll be shot. Also, you can just sit there and shoot for five minutes hoping it hits something. So it does take skill. The singleplayer campaign is a bit longer than the console game's 12 missions, instead Fireteam Bravo features 14. The missions are pretty standard, and are pretty easy, but there are a few intense moments, like having to shoot a terrorist who's pointing his gun at the head of a hostage, before the hostage gets blown away. There is a pretty interesting Instant Action mode where you can go through any mission you've beaten, and play it again with new objectives. There's Sabotage, where you have to disable a few communication devices, hostage rescue, which is kind of self-explanitory, and sweep and clear, where you just have to kill everybody.
The multiplayer works amazingly. Playing 16 players on a PSP with no lag is awesome. There are modes you can expect, Hostage Rescue, a team deathmatch, etc. One of the most interesting modes is a team deathmatch where players can revive the people who have been killed on their team, so its kind of like being a field medic mixed in with trying to overpower the enemy. The lock-on system works great because you can't target people through walls *cough*Dead To Rights*cough* and since there are other people locking on to YOU, its very twitchbased. There are also moments where you can be a stealthy stud and surprise attack people, which actually plays a big role when you're outnumbered. Sniping doesn't work too well though, because you'll be found pretty easily. There are a good number of varied maps, models, and weapons. There is also a Headset out for it, but I can't seem to find it, but I've heard it works well.
The graphics aren't too pretty. The textures are bland, as well as the enviornments, but if its like that so there's no slowdowns, and maps can be relatively big, I have no problem, but they probably could of worked a bit more. The models are in the same general look as usually used in the franchise, but again, are more bland. It has very good cinematics though.
The sound is really good. The music sounds very orchestral at times, and sometimes sounds like what you would hear in a military band parade. The weapon sounds and voice-overs are good as well, though weapon sounds CAN be a bit repatetive. There are some nice details like being able to hear enemy conversations, and the footsteps of yourself and your enemies.
Socom: Fireteam Bravo has an awesome value. You'll be playing the singleplayer for a couple afternoons, but, the Instant Action adds a lot to the portability aspect, and replayability. And its definatley easy to be hooked on the multiplayer.
I think Socom: Fireteam Bravo is a great buy for PSP owners everywhere. It doesn't showcase the portable's capabilities graphically, but the gameplay and sound are near flawless, and you can pick this one up again and again.