with it's socom 1 caliber graphics, socom 3 caliber gameplay, this game should have been a sureshot winner but...

User Rating: 9.1 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo PSP
see. this game has all the makings for a legendary game..excellent graphics(for a handheld) a very well thought out control scheme, eacellent voice acting just like the ps2 series before it, it has pretty much all the same perks as socom 3 with the customizable weapons, amazing enviroments, improved AI from the 1st and 2nd games, and a online mode that could bring a full grown man to tears. What also makes this game good is just the thought of it.. playing socom but travelling somewhere at the same time! with the cool crosstalk possibilities between this game and socom 3 beating the game is just that much funner!.....However some of the let downs in this game would be that you do not have the option for a pistol's only match online which got me down greatly. The choppy online play kinda takes away from the whole experience as well. but hey. what can you do.? what they should have done was since you can see your socom 3 friends and profile from bravo, you should be able to play with them as well. evem if you do have to sacrifice graphics, headset quality, and control quality. but overall, i'd say hoora!