The online play is uneven and boring, and the single player is so broken it should not be included in the package.

User Rating: 5.2 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo PSP
It will always be a mystery to me why this game got an 8.7 from Gamespot. Gameplay 9? Please. This is a terrible game, and many are failing to see it. Sure, at first the online did seem kind of fun, but then it hits you. There isn't any ryhme or reason to it. There isn't any skill involved whatsoever. If a person is standing 20 feet in front of you and you are firing off your AK-47 at him like a madman, why do 70% of the bullets miss? They decided to make the guns less acurate for more realism, but I think that they way overdid it. Don't write me off as one of those hater purists that loves the Socom franchise and doesn't like the lock-on mechanism. I've never played a Socom game before in my life, and my review score would probably be lower if I had, judging by the hype they get. I think the lock-on mechanism is a great idea, but it is horribly implimented here. If you like it, there is a lot of stuff in the game, but I think that will be unlikely.