Amazing graphics and infrastructure online play. Single player is also fun. Favorite Psp game.

User Rating: 9.3 | SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo PSP
Socom: Fire Team Bravo brings a great Socom experience from the Ps2 to the Psp. The lack of a second analog stick can be annoying or better, considering who you are. Using the R button as an auto-aim makes the n00bs who play as good as the players that would normally crush the others, which can be frustrating. But you can always tell who's better, as there is tons of cover to pop out and attack from. The online game almost never lags and when it does it is usually just a person, who will eventually drop out. The graphics are great except for the trees and brush, which can be a letdown.. Who wants to hide behind a 2-D bush? Not me, it makes you feel vulnerable. The single player is fun and not as hard as Socom 2's single player, which is always a plus. Overall this is a great game and a must have to any Psp gamers collection.