Real Team Dynamics - awesome
This game is about stealth and leveraging team dynamics. When I first played it, I was used to thinking of my 4 man team as only 1 team. I eventually learned to deploy them in two - two person teams and leveraged their skills and positioning.
The game is fun but it can be frustrating at times when you want to move faster but can't.
The controls for controlling either Able or Bravo teams is easy but its hard for them to form up sometime.
In addition, it seems that in a fire fight, you're weapons aren't as deadly nor as accurate as the enemy which sucks. You end up dying a few times un-necessarily.
Graphics are good, I thought a little more detail around head shots would have been great since your sniper seems to prefer head shots. Where are the brains and blood? The game should have included an option for realistic violence. Kills are too clean. No guts, heads or arms laying about.
Overall, pretty addicting if you can get over the fact that you do need to be more stealth than guns blazing.