Its fun to beat the game but theres not much reason to give it a second go.
It's a new direction for the great series and succeeds in doing so.It is carefully planned so choose smartly.The graphics are definitely a highlight of the game.It's looks like a high-class PlayStation 2 game.The sound is very good considering it has probably 6-7 different languages to choose from.It's really cool that you can pick the Spanish or Korean or American Seal Teams.If you decide to pick a foreign team and your American,it has English subtitles which is really cool.It does have a few bad things also.For one,your squad is smart most of the time, but sometimes they don't react quickly enough.The enemy AI can be stupid at times but are challenging also.
Overall,this is 5-6 hour game and it is worth your time.If you like strategy games pick this and also if your just looking for a challenge.