Solar Striker is a top-down shooter with great gameplay and rivals any retro space shooter.
Solar Striker plays like many other space shooters: move, attack, try to avoid bullets, rinse, and repeat. You move your ship with the directional pad and fire with A or B. Starting off, you have a single shot laser, but soon after shooting Power Boxes, and collecting the contents, you upgrade to two shots, three shots, and, eventually, a very powerful double missile.
In Solar Striker, as well as any space shooter of the sort, there are some strange looking enemies. In this case, there are eye shaped enemies, moths, normal looking planes and trucks, and bosses that fill up a huge portion of the screen and have multiple parts. The coolest, and most common enemy is the completely original spinning '8' shaped enemy.
Just like many top-down shooters, you can expect to die a lot. Although you gain more lives with a certain amount of points, it is not enough to guarantee a victory. You must dodge the bullets and enemies. The difficulty of Solar Striker is a bit on the tough side, but once you start to memorize the patterns locations of the enemies, you will have a much easier time playing.
Solar Striker is a solid top-down shooter with enough replay value to keep you interested for a decent period. It is a perfect game to get for a trip or a small competition between friends for the high score.