"You lagger" "You hacker!" God:"No my children, it is not you. It is.. THE GAME!!"

User Rating: 1.5 | Soldier Front PC
Soldier Front.. Well before I get started, I wanted to say something. Every review I read of this game says "it's even worse than Gunz". Let me tell you something. GUNZ ROCKS, and even if you hate it Gunz is a COMPLETELY different type of game, with its own style, you can't really compare it.

OK back to Soldier Front. While I was downloading the game, it said 'best online FPS', and 'Realistic Researched Military bla bla bla'. You could probably have predicted this but that is utter bull shnizzle. Even if the game were great, how far could a Korean FPS for free get?

Apparently not far. There are no real redeeming qualities in this game. There is no reason not to go buy another game. I'd almost throw five bucks into the street not to play it.. ALMOST but I'm too bored for that.

Lag city. You know Drift City? I think this SF must have the same creator because the original production name had to be Lag City. You can shoot at someone for a minute and nothing will happen, but if they shoot you it will kill. Basically, rewarding laggy players. The sniper rifles are mega stacked. Usually one of the main priorities when a company is making a game is to assure the stats are considerably even. But no, they just took that and threw it out the window, because all you need here is a sniper rifle. No matter what, it kills. I never quite understood how the XP and SP (money) worked, every time I asked I got "USE UR BRAIN" or "......(silence)". All I know is no matter what I never seemed to gain money, and only gained a tiny bit of XP. Pretty much after the start you will wait a year until switching any weapons.

I'll try to make you imagine the sound. Have a seat, make sure everything is quiet, relax.. Now imagine James Blunt after he finally gets a sex change gargling into a microphone with giant speakers one foot away from each ear. Seriously though, the guns all pretty much sound the same. You will hear "fire in the hole" at least 100 times in one hour. Is there music? I don't remember.

I think Super Mario 64 had more polygons and more texture detail than this. Remember those good old 90's where in every adventure game you attempted to jump onto something, and as you did it your character looked like it was on LSD and began to slip? Pretty much like that. What's worse is that everyone is always jumping around all the time, I guess to dodge the cheap ass snipers.

This game sucks! It really isn't worth your time. I think that the creators are probably a bunch of Koreans who were captured and chained to a post with some laptops and told they had 6 hours to make a game or their heads would be blown off. Dear god, I hope they get out and get a chance to redeem themselves. They should be let free!!