If you need to buy someone you hate a gift, this is the game for you.
For those of you have had played the previous two installments of the SOF series, you are well aware of the gore fest this game brings to the table. However, even Cauldren was able to completely screw this up with a lackluster presentation where even SOF II Double Helix shines above it. Practically every bullet wound that pierces pixeletad flesh ends up being a dismemberent. Seriously, when does an M16 rip off limbs as if it was a chain gun?
The graphics are ok, nothing to be amazed at. However considering how this is almost 2008, they should have at least not extensively used the sprites to the point where you feel as if you are playing Shadow Warrior all over again.
In the glitch department, this game is full of them. Even a computer game designers senior thesis has less bugs then this game. Let me paint the picture for you. Ever played a game on PC where you dont meet the minimum requirements, practically making your computer act like it had a blessed third chromosome copy? Well, this game has a frame rate that makes Crysis seem as if it runs at 60 fps.
This game isn't even difficult. all you have to do is just point toward the general direction the enemy is at and hold the trigger, the enemy will just run straight toward you. Every cliche enemy action that has been seen in the Rambo movies are present here. Hardly any use of cover and hardly and use of the CPU to outsmart you.
There is one good thing I can say about this game. It is great to throw a grenade and watch body parts fly every where. It's awesome and only worth seeing if anyone ever copies it to youtube.
Look, don't waste your time and for your gods sake, don't waste your money. $60 dollars is way overpriced for this game. If you buy it you will know how it feels to pay $30,000 for a Ford Pinto. I feel cheated having used a e-coupon to rent this game. Stay away, its not even worth the bargain bin.