Cool Series Turns Bad.

User Rating: 4.5 | Soldier of Fortune: Payback X360
Story: your a merc trying to kill people. Cool

Graphics: nice enviroments. Guns look like crap and do charcter models.

Audio: Crap.

Missions: Kill kill kill,press a button,leave

Controls: Standard xbox layout

Features: Lots of gore, blood, and limbs falling off.

A.I.: retarded. they look at you. fun to kill though

Loading Times: a few. quick loading times

Multiplayer: sucks. cant even find a server.

Requirements: xbox 360 and a TV

Weapons: lots of cool guns. Crappy looking

The Good: Environments look good.

The Bad: Cool idea for a triquel. But gets ownd.

Replayablity-Litte to none. Not worth playing again.

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