I was so happy when I saw it in the store but so sad when I played it.

User Rating: 5.5 | Soldier of Fortune: Payback X360
I remember when I played the original SOF game on my PC years ago, it was awesome. I remember playing SWAT 3, before I got SOF, where you get only 1 bullet hole to show up after putting a clip into the guy and all you got was basically just a red dot on the corpse. Then came SOF... I was sooo happy putting pistol rounds in guys heads and watching the blood poor out. Then came the shotgun... putting it in a guys stomach and watching his intestines fall out as he died. Those of you reading this probably think I am sick but it was insane for me having only really played Counter Strike and SWAT 3 like games where the guys you shot just died with barely any blood or anything.

I was decapitating people with shotguns, blowing limbs off, and watching guys scream in agony from nut shots, It was AWESOME. I think that was the first real application of the hit boxes that allowed each body part to be hit separately and have different damage models for each. Well anyway it was an awesome game, then came SOF2, not as good but still cool and better looking damage models (No intestines though very disappointed).

At last SOF:3 came out, I didn't even know they were making it but when I walked into the store I was like OMG I need to have that it is going to be kick ass and bloody as hell. Nope! After about five minutes of playing I got frustrated as hell at the idiotic AI, poorly designed levels, and lack of any kind of storyline. The game just wasn't thought out properly or designed well . I kept playing a bit longer to have fun blowing some limbs off but its just so disappointing. After playing Mass Effect I thought everything could at least look nice but nope. And I still can't make their intestines fall out.