Considering Crysis and COD 4 came out at the same time, this game was set-up to fail.
Mullins isn't even in this one, and that's when I knew the game was ALREADY gonna fail. In any event, I pop it in, and on my 32in LCD, it really doesn't look THAT bad. It didn't play too bad either, and it makes me wonder what some people here are looking at, because the frame rate was fairly steady through most of the game, hitting 60fps at a lot of points even. I'll get this part out of the way too: The voice-acting was god-awful, almost on par with an Uwe Boll flick. Story was something you'd expect out of a bad Windows 95 shooter, and the gore was heavily exaggerated, I've never seen a 9mm blow someone's leg off. There were glitches galore, but they usually involved a severed limb twitching at high speed, which was kinda amusing to look at.
Weapon selection was suprisingly varied, with a few customizations available depending on the weapon. I liked the fact you could pick a set of weapons to start with on each mission, as it gave me a chance to try out every weapon without having to find it or look for it.
Enemy AI was as dumb as a box of rocks. Standing in plain view, either waiting to get shot or running up to you and striking you with the butt of their gun. They were aggressive enough, and your health was rather fragile, a few shots was all it took to start the mission over, and with checkpoint few and far between, it got real frustrating.
I'm gonna recommend this one for people who are more into arcade-style FPS games. Think of it as House of the Dead without the rails, because that's about how it plays. As for the hardcore FPS crowd, well, you already know to avoid it.
In the end, I'm glad I rented it. I finished it in about 2 days time. I honestly think this game would have fared so much better had it been released about a year ago. Stacking it up against the releases of Crysis and COD4 was just asking for it to be crucified among the FPS community, even though it doesn't quite deserve to be, because anything can look like crap when placed next to diamonds.