Waste of my time and money, shame a good franchis well WAY short.
In sof 1, they didn't use real weapons are real locations. You could tell it was a budget game and they kick butt!
Sof 2, they made money off of the 1st gamea nd finally had real weapons,locations and just dominated with gore and fun and online play.
sof 3, this is where i'm gonna write the most.
The gun models, they look like a 5 year did them. The graphics are great but the movements, aiming, everything is totally off. The way he throws nades are even annoying, the way he uses his knife is dull and slow.
Cod 4 was a great example of having a knife. You press R stick and he does it quick and smooth. SOF 3, slow and ugly.
The A.I is stupid the gameplay is so weak you'll point out more things that are broken in the game then how fun the game actually is.
The aiming is just plain slow and stiff.
I'm sorry, but this game was broken. 1&2 to this day are fun as hell and I can't blame they destroyed this 3rd game.