Plastic world, plastic sounds, even plastic charractors. This Game hit the bottom of my "Don't play" List.
____ _______ _______ Trubble_with_install _____ _______ __ _______
I usaly begin my reviews with a short background/storyline but this review I need to start with the install and the hazzle with that.
Vista has been around for a good time, Im surprised games dated release as soon as late oct 2007 dont have Vista support? I first installed the game and it started up normaly, the first intro/cut-scene started normaly and I was ingame for 3sec before the game was falling apart..
Screaming noise out of the speakers and blurry picture, in fact the whole computer freeze and I was of to re-boot. Tryed a few times with diffent in-game settings... Same result.
Then after reding up a bit about the game on internet forums I learnt S.o.f-P did not have Vista support. Ok, so I downloaded the Vista fix and installed that.
Yes, the game was playable but some grafic bugs were NOT fixed even with the Vista fix. BAD!
______ _____ _______ ___ Storyline ____ ________ _____ _________
You are a merc, browsing thru diffrent tasks given to you by your agentcy.
Nothing new or special, just a get tru to the next level.
The story is far from exiting, or even moderate, is bad in fact.
___ ______ __________ Game_play ______ ___________ _________
Some FPS games are easy to take the control of, you feal like it's really you running around, shooting, blowing up things.
COD4 is a good example, you get one with the carractor(s) evry hit you take almoust hurts, and evry move you make feals real.
In Soldier of fortune-Payback the movement and shooting is horrid, no toush of reality at all, feals like plastic or worse. A good comparrison in reality would be Wolfenstine 3D. One thing almoust made me throw away somthing in anger was the abbility to use all the normal ingame FPS movment, In all games I've played you can strafe and run simoultanious, not in this game. When you try runing you only can run strait ahead.
WHAT?!! Stupid, should this be a smart thing? Well I don't get it.
___ _____ _________ Vissual_and_sound _____ _________ _________
The vissual does not impress me, there are a few good effects like motion blurr but it do not wheigth it up to all the graffic bugs. And the textures used in this game is no way near real. Even after bumping the resolution to max it does not look real. A plastic world.
The sound is a bunch prerecorded sounds taken from a 70's mini-Moog synth, well thats not entierly true but they do NOT fit in place and are far from realistic. Stereo or 5.1 separation was far from good, from what direction are they shooting at me? The gunfire sounded and looked like a plastic gun with makeup powder.
___ ___ ___ ______ ___ ____ Conclution___ ___ ____ ____ _________
Anyone that belive this is a fun game, just drop it!, the game itsealf stinks.
I actually did un-install the game rather quick (And that acually did go fine!), there are dussins of FPS games that have much better "overall feel" to it.
Modern gamers want games to be fun and almoust addictive, to attract gamers you give them what they wan't and for me this game hit my "don't play list!"
_______ _______ ______ ___________ __________ ________ _______
Hardware I played this game on was:
E4500 @ ~3Ghz
MSI neo2 FR
Kingston PC2-6400 2GB in dual.
powercolor HD3850
E-mu 0404