Sonic isn't a bad game Put it bodly its the worst sonic game and the worst game period

User Rating: 2 | Sonic 3D Blast GEN
Honestly i played this game when i had a saturn the only differance but there basically the same games ok sonic 3d blast isn't actually in 3d its basically from a somewhat over the top persepctive the only differance is now instead of moveing only left and right you can move in all directions so simply put it its not 360 degress like mario 64 this also means that everything you loved about sonic is throw out the window no more blazing speed and no more bounching on springs or going through loop de loops no of that crazy fun crap like that all you do in this game is search all the levels for five enemies and take the chaos to a ring so you can proceed unward through the level and eventually fight a boss thats all you basically do through every level honest to god thats what you do mostly on every level The game is also on saturn the only differance between the two games is that the saturn version obviously has way better graphics then the genesis version actually the saturn version doesn't look that bad compared to the genesis version