The game still looks as good as the Sega Saturn version. The controls are harder to use than a Game Controller. The enviroments look OK, just that they could have looked. better. It is hard sometimes to see certain items since the enviroment blocks the view of some of them. The sense of speed is reduced and Sonic runs slower.
If only the music Track was in the Saturn version, it would have made that version even better.
After the thrid and best sonic i knew they will wll fail the forth. After a really good begining a superb continue and a perfect trilogy becaming there comes the amazing.... Crap. This game is crap. It's ugly, it's stupi... Read Full Review
The good: Has a save feature, less long loading times than the Saturn, music still is great The bad: Graphical achiecvements are lower, the game contains all of the flaws the previous versions had Game-play: 8/10 Gr... Read Full Review