This game changed my life

User Rating: 8.9 | Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Reprint) GC
I remember when I first got this game, my friend told me it was so much fun and I played it at his house all the time. When I finally got my copy, I was blown away! This game was incredible to my extent, and changed the way I felt about gaming! What this game has is very simple for a fast paced platformer game, with freindly characters, interface, gameplay, and options. You can change your menus, so your favorite character asks you or says something that only they would say, in the menus! This game offers you nice story mode, multiplayer, and tutorials, also the ability to play with your own interactive pets, called Chao. The story mode is actually pretty awsome. Sega made this game so the story mode would have full 3D graphics to tell the story, because they don't make games that have 3D characters acting up and about during cut-scenes in this fashion anymore, it really is quite refreshing. The characters seem real, and it's like they have there own lives, Sega captures character development, and introduces a new dark and light side element to the sonic series. The story mode is pretty cool, with alot of levels, with a beggining to an end. All of the characters even have their own song that represents themselves. The story can get pretty deep, and offers alot. Sega put on over 150 missions into the game, but nobody will probably collect them all, but it means you have something to do if you want something new to the game. The story mode is basically rock solid. Now the multiplayer is a pretty nice addition. You can battle chaos against your friend's chaos very easily, and you can chose your own character, which all hav there own strengths and weaknesses. There are modes like treasure hunter, battle mode (in mech suits), and race mode. They offer two characters pretty much the same, but their abilities look different, then two characters that offer something different, like all slow down moves, or super speed, but no powers. Chao to me is one of the biggest parts of the game. When you enter chao garden it's like a whole other part of the game! You can raise your Caho practically any way you want it to be. You can do special challenges, race against friends, fight against other chaos, it's just huge on what you can do. This game has alot going for it, especially for sonic fans. The graphics for this game might've been made a long time ago, but still don't look to bad, especially for such an old game. The charm and absolute fun of this game will keep you addicted for a long time. This game affected my life, it's one of my most cherished memories, and when I play it again I just get hooked for a while. Play this game, and you will thank yourself for buying this.