best 3D sonic game
User Rating: 8.8 | Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Reprint) GC
Sonic adventure 2 battle, is the best sonic game i have ever played. the gameplay is solid, with basic runing from start to finish, you play as sonic and a new charecter shadow, thares also trsure hunt, played with knukels and another new charecter, rouge the bat, and thare is shooting in a smell 2 legged, open-cockpit, mechs, played with tails and the smart yet dumb, eggman. the controlles are ok, but the camra gets in the way and the A.I. is ridiculasly dumb. but there is strangely addictive chao garden,and oh so many shaos you can create.
the graphics are realy the only lazy part of the game. they, put simply, still looks like a dreamcast game, and incase you haven't heard, the dreamcast is dead.
the sound is good with good songs and SE.
overall, the only 3D sonic game you need to play, esepcilely after the mediocre shadow game, the shadow levels in this game own the whole of the shadow the hegdhog game.