On one hand I love this game, on the other....I despise it.

User Rating: 7.5 | Sonic Adventure 2 Battle (Reprint) GC
Many would argue that the Sonic Adventure series are the only well done 3D adaptations of Sonic, and I would have to agree. I'll start out with why I love this game. First of all, there's guns or anything, its just a fun plat-former, which you rarely see anymore. Its a very colorful game, making it easy on the eyes, and possibly bringing on some nostalgia. It features the blue hedgehog that we all know and love. The level design can be pretty good at times. Almost all of the no crystal levels are enjoyable. The new character, Shadow, is a less annoying addition than Amy was. With all of the characters you can play as there is a lot of replay value. The chao garden is also upgraded from the last game if that matters to you. Now on to why this game can flat out make me mad. First of all, yes the graphics are colorful, but I can't even really tell if they've been upgraded or not from the last Sonic Adventure game. On top of this there are slight frame-rate problems throughout the game. The music is horrendous as always. The worst thing though, is probably the camera. It was tolerable in the last game, but somehow it got worse, and is sometimes enough to make me turn off the Gamecube. Another thing would be the incredibly hard campaign. Believe it or not, the thing that you will die from most in this game is falling off the edge, which in my opinion is more frustrating than any other way of dying in a video game. Plus there are those stupid missions where you go out looking for the chaos emeralds, no one wants to do those missions, they're boring and they suck. Overall, it just feels like they rushed it out the door without giving the development team time to give it some polish.