One of the best Sonic games on any Nintendo platform to date!
Time Value: {5/5} This game took me about 40 hours once to get all A ranks. That isn't a very high amount of time to me, but it is alot. That is after going through a faq on the game that gives you tips on how to beat eash level and has the scores necessary for an A rank in the normal zones.
Music: {5/5} The music in the game is great, each character has their own theme in the story. Knuckles stages have a sone designed for each stage, though the same style of music.
Graphics: {4.5/5} This was a GC game, and I wouldn't expect it to deliver the same quality as a Wii game could. The graphics were quite good though, but they were noticeably not perfect. By perfect, I'm talking about in relation to the game, not graphics in general.
Gameplay: {5/5} There are Treasure Hunting Missions, Shooting Missions, and then Race to the Goal Missions. Get all the upgrades and character specific items and you can actually do more. For example you might uncover hidden parts of the stage with switches, or items.
Chao Garden: {5/5} Alot of fun comes from the Chao Garden, they are adorable creatures who do not demand too much. After you level their skills up and spoil them a little they will evolve into another form of Chao (Dark, Hero, Neutral). A new garden is unlocked for Hero Chao and another for Dark Chao. Whenever you feel your chao is ready to compete, go through the waterfall in th normal garden to either Chao Karate or Chao Race. You'll star out with beginner material. I suggest you may want to start out with all of your Chao's stats on at least level 10, and keep one a few levels higher than the rest so you increase your chao's chances of evolving into that type. Have fun. Chao Karate and Chao Race are a more fun adventure.
Overall: {5/5} If you have not gotten this game, then you should, primarily for it's Chao Garden features, because many of them are unique to this Sonic game alone. I hope you enjoy the game and thanks for reading. Until next time!