Fun kart racing game.
First thing, the game runs smooth. I experienced no slow down during offline or online play, no matter how much action was happening on screen. A review I read said there was slow down but I didn't see it.
The game has 24 tracks and they're all unique, none of this reversing a track and calling it two tracks. For the most part the tracks are pretty fun, although there's a Super Monkey Ball Target track that has some seriously sharp turns that I wasn't crazy about.
The audio is pretty enjoyable and certainly not annoying. Usually I turn the in game music off for racing games but not this time. There's also commentary that's fun to listen to, although you can turn it off if you like.
When you play online, you can only have one player per character, so if some snags your favourite before you, you'll have to make do with another character.
A minor quibble is that there's about a forty second load time between races, but that's not a big deal.
Overall, a fun kart racing game that is fun in single player or against friends offline or online.