extremely easy and the shortest game i ever have seen. but if you look past that you see the best graphics on the wii.

User Rating: 5.5 | Sonic and the Black Knight WII
i want to start with the good and the bad

the good

great graphics for the wii: an great sense of speed: ok music: ok platforming

the bad

retarded story: sonic and a talking sword is almost as bad as sonic and teenage girl: extremely short: extremely easy: really bad controls: there are no loops no springs not even rings is this really a sonic game ?

that was the good and the bad lets take the real things now

the story

to start the story is really retarded i mean really its both short and bad half the time i didnt pay atention. i played it through 2 times in total about 5 hours seriosly 5 hours 2 times the second time i payed a little more attention then the first time and i got some of it right. well its a about that some girl (i forgot the name) was chased by the black knight then she was trapped then she sayd some s**t from then sonic came down and then you just go through the bad retarded story but whe all know nobody buys a sonic game for the story

the gameplay



and irritating game but for fun just check it out