An improvement to Secret Rings, and it's a step forward for Sonic.
There is a lot of fighting in this game, but (again) when you think about it, the game would be very boring without all of the fighting in it, but you can run right past a lot of it if you want to. You can also play through the WHOLE GAME as Sonic if you WANT to. There are three other characters to choose from, Shadow (Lancelot) Knuckles (Gawain) and Blaze (Percival) and they are all optional. In my opinion they are not as good as Sonic.
The graphics are amazing, just what you would expect out of a Sonic game, detailed worlds and colorful backgrounds make it a beautiful game.
There are also about 150 or so unlockable treasures to collect (from onion rings to chess pieces to swords/helmets etc.) but they don't do anything so you don't have to worry about them.
There is an "online ranking" feature as well, where you unlock special missions to play and you get a rank among hundreds of players for that mission (if you have played MarioKart Wii you know what I'm talking about.)
The story is not a huge thing here, (except for the EXTREMELY unexpected plot twist about halfway through the game!)
Overall I think you will enjoy this game if you can overlook the few frustrating missions.