Way too short... but still has some good points to it.
Game play: 6
OK at first some of your missions are to run to the end of the level which is easy. There are no real foes to deal with so you can run through them kind of fast. Once you start to fight some real foes you are attacked to no end by cheap shots from some of them. The worst are the spiders, Knights that spin, and the knights with spears. But you can easy jump over them. The only time you real have to fight them is when your quest tells you to kill 50 of them. Some other missions are to give towns people some many rings which is a simple quick time event. After you beat King Arthur there's a plot twist and you get some beat the clock missions and other hard missions.
Some of them boss fights are so every simple to beat just randomly swing your sword in the duels and they are down for the count in less then a minute. Other fights like dragons try to be hard but you can jump over any thing they throw you or shield. The shield isn't really needed much other then boss fights. The other kind of boss fight is were you are fighting King Arthur, or the final boss (no he's not the final boss). You run from what they throw at you and attack the balls, in King Arthur's case they are fire balls, and wait to gain soul gauge. Once it's full you activate it and (again in King Arthur's case) run behind him and wait till Sonic jumps on him. Then you have to time your attack till to his swings then combo him.
Once of the nice things is you can change your cla$$ from attack only to speed only to mixed. You level get one up to get new "powers" like Speed boost and stuff like that. To level it up you have run through a level and you get these stars. They are your new ranking and so with them you level up your cla$$. There is also towns people you gain at the end of each level. Some many of them will level up your rank. The rank isn't that important but I guess it gives you something to do. Other things you can do is get items and trade them online, friend codes needed. Or you can make new weapons for Shadow, Knuckles, and Blaze the only other playable characters.
Now the other characters are mostly like Sonic so there's no real point playing as them, other then Knuckles that is. He seems to be a bit slower at time but makes that up with the power to glide for short distances. But the last difference is that each character has it's own number of items he or she can hold. Sonic and Shadow with 2, Blaze with 3 and Knuckles with 1. As for the multiplayer, you really don't want to play it. It's up to four plays possible but most of the time you just have to pick the right person and win cheaply. The ranking is a nice future to it, though you can't download others ghosts but you can look at the leader board with people who are close you your rank or your friends that have completed that ranking mission.
Graphics: 9
More then likely the best part of the game are the graphics. The story book looking cut scenes are still nice looking are give you the feel that it just a book your reading. The other cut scenes look like some of the best graphics for the Wii, kind of like Sonic Unleashed. In game graphics are full of color and make the level look huge. One of the best looking levels are the highland levels, aka the grassy land levels. But each level looks great even if some of them look the same to a point, and this is only because they are in the same area but then again a few start the same why. Though one of the weird thing is how the towns people look.
Sounds: 6
The songs are not the best but they are not the worst. The voice acting is OK but gets really annoying when you're trying to fight a boss. Crush 40 though doesn't do that great of a job but if for some reason you don't like the in game level there are some items that can change the music but it's not that much better. Some times the music does a good job at hitting the theme of the game, but a lot of the time you're left with a pop or rock feel that just doesn't fit with Sonic games. Now the final boss fight's song was pretty bad but I can see why it was like that. You're fighting a girl so you might as well have a girlish song to go with it. Still it made me want to punch a baby.
Speed: 7
The game isn't that slow at all. Most of the time people are saying they had to slow down and fight and I said why bother? You can simply jump over them and keep running. There are time when you'll slow down and have to fight but after that you can really just run right through the level. If you ever need to speed up you can just jump and Sonic will get a boost from the wind and be off running again. Like I said before the other people you can play as are about the same speed as Sonic so no matter who you pick it will be about the same speed. Some things that will slow you down though are when you have to wall climb, break objects to move on, or a giant Knight is in your way. You can not move on without killing them which sucks.
Overall: 6.8
It's an OK game but it's short lived and has too many controller issues. The fighting isn't that bad but the time is every off. And when you want to jump a lot of the times or wall climb Sonic will fall to his death by stomping on the ground. But it's not worth $50 so thank god I got it for as an early birthday present.