SATBK is the second of the sonic stroy book series for the wii.Will its soul gauge fill up or fail a sword ..swing?
Story-Sonic is transported to medivel times through the majic of a young sorceres sonic is then told he must deafeat the black knight to save the camelot style world, sonic must also face the knights of the round table and the story has a major plotwist its good, but lacks alot of debth and none of the characters have much debth either.
Gameplay-Sonic and the black knight has a great sence of speed and instead of the only rails factor in secret rings you get to have a analog stick(Nunchuck) to move sadly know with the nunchuck moving backwards is super hard....also the swordplay..before i get into it i was actually anticipating this gameplay mechanic...but instead of it working it turns out to be a gimick your arms will get tired and the lag bewtween you swinging and sonic attacking is to far apart, that youll need to swing 3 times really fast to make him respond that second, thats annoying.Also the number of enemies are MASSIVE most can be killed by a blow though and the game moves fast though.Thats saves its but.The boss battles are fun if you replay them with a higher difficulty, and the game just moves fast You can become Super Sonic in this game with a really cool sword.Also i love the clashes in boss battles the sword really works there, Theres wifi but the items arent worth trading.Still its a joy and being short is for the worse for me better for people who dont really like sonic.
Graphics/Design-THis is without a doubth the best CG cutscene game for the wii, then theres stroy book ones which i dont really have prombelms with and the in-game graphics really work with the speed SEGA used blast processing da-da-ad!!!!
Multiplayer-Really this is a mode that isnt that great its boring and stupid you switch for a overhead view i was sorta hoping for a fighting style, all you do there is collect rings and soot your oponet and thats amazingly stupid!
Music/Sound-Graet music and soudn and VA is just done greatly.
Overall-I Suggest getting this if your a sonic fan, if not get sonic and the secret rings and trust me thats better than This!the gameplay barley is fun, it lives of its sound and graphics which isnt the best thing..but its a good game none the less.
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