A Great Starting Point for those New to Sonic Games
Sonic whilst resting at home after a tiring adventure (we can guess) gets sucked into a book from the arabian nights. and was chosen to defeat the Erazor Djinn whi was a genie that served his time in a lamp and has gone on a rampage destroying the book so he can escape to the real world (Sonic's world) . Shortly after being sucked in the book he encounters Erazor and gets shot with a magic arrow that has a flame and in a certain amount of time will kill sonic unless he collect the 7 power rings and gives them to Erazor will he be saved from death. Gameplay: the gameplay takes some getting used to and reading the booklet throughly will help and repeating the training levels as best you can to get used to the controls. the speed starts quite slow though you wont think this at first but later on when you have more upgrades you will realise how slow you were going before but it is done so you will gradually get faster and so you will not be overwhelmed so you can keep control and stay used to the controls and speed. it is quite fun tilting the controller to move left to right suddenly dont ask me why. jumping and braking is done using the 1 & 2 buttons but attacks are done by pushing the controller forward when you are locked onto the enemy. or just for a quick boost or long jump the same action is used because sometimes to maintain speed the jump boost is a quicker way of picking up speed that just wait for sonic to speed up on his own after hitting something.
Graphics: My initial thought was just "wow" though i dont own a hi-def console so for those 360 & PS3 owners will wonder why i loved the graphics. but it is easily the best looking Wii game out at the moment with the possible exception of Resi 4. anyway they are clean and the motion blur effect was done well .
Sound: can get very annoying the music is generally indian style sounds that you would expect such as the level up sounds. personally i did enjoy the main theme "Seven Rings in Hand" but after a while of hearing it after every level and everytime you turn on the game it will start to annoy which is probably why most people hate the song.
Value: It is actually quite short as there is not alot worth doing after you beat the story mode as the multiplayer mode is a bit unimaginative as it is like Mario party but not done as well and the controls of some of the minigames are so bad they will annoy you. the unlockables are mainly pointless unless you enjoy unlocking a picture of an old sonic game case until you get about 80 silver medals when the rewards start to differ. so after the initial story there is not alot to come back to.