appauling control and horrible diolouge give sonic yet another horrible game, no one should be suprised.
For one thing, they have the control pad, the a button, the b button and the 1 and 2 button. yet only the one and two are ever touched, and the rest is left to motion control so flawed your destended to fail simple chalanges because of it. The controls that were used insted were tilting the remote and pushing it forward or tilting it back, when the d pad or button assignemnt could have made things so much smoother.
in fact, the game's tutorial was so frusterating it's understandable if you give up there. It's the only tutorial you can actually die in, and its split into so many pointless little chapters that it's agony. When you finally get to the game, you do get a taste of what sonic should be like at full speed, but the sense of speed makes obsticles hard to judge, and sonic grinds to a halt before he jumps making the timing even worse.
granted, the graphics are the games only strongevpoint, but everything else needs an overhaul, or just put the sonic franchise in the ground.