It is a step in the right direction but it has some annoying flaws.
-The cg cutscenes in this game look spectacular. It is such a shame that there is so few of them. The in game graphics aren't really anything to be super impressed by but they are pretty colorful.
SOUND 7/10
-The soundtrack is pretty good in this game. I don't have too much complaints on it. But the voice as usual just sucks. Its not abysmal like in Shadow the Hedgehog but it still really sucks. But the soundtrack as I said before is pretty good.
STORY 7/10
-Putting Sonic with the Arabian Knights sounds like a friggin joke. But it was actually executed pretty neatly. I don't have too much to say because once AGAIN its not too amazing.
SPEED 7/10
-Is everything gonna be a 7/10? Well anyway the speed in this game is tolerable and sometimes Sonic can get moving pretty fast.
-There is nothing innovative about the gameplay but it can be pretty fun to play. The main problem is that Sonic ALWAYS moves forward. Its like the mach stages from Sonic 06 but has a few improvements. I really don't have much to say about this game but you should check it out.