Don't worth. In a perfect world, this woundn't be called as a "sonic" game.
But, what sega is doing with its franchises, its really disappointing me, especially with sonic one.
The Dreamcast's sonics are okay, I enjoy playing them. Even the unleashed (I play the ps2 version...) its so so. But this one, could be named as one of the worst sonic game ever. Sense of speed? I don't fell even like playing something when I play these. I mean, sonic walks by himself? What do I do?
Sega, why are you doing these to me? I mean, mario got old, and the new games still offering me something. Mario galaxy is nice to play. Mario kart is pretty fun to play too. But this one, the racer sonic game from saturn are just crap. Even sonic riders isn't too good.
My note to who is getting these game : Search. Don't get this game thinking this is a sonic hit, or a great game as the gamespot's page shows. If you could even play it before...
Still waiting for the revenge of the sonic the hedghog 1,2,3 era. Sometimes I ask myself if I will be alive in these revenge day...