This new Sonic is better than some of the newer Sonic games, but you could have gotten much more control and such.

User Rating: 7.3 | Sonic and the Secret Rings WII
If you're looking for a good new Sonic game than this is it. If you're looking for an awesome new Sonic game this might be it. If you're looking for a perfect Sonic game than this probably isn't it. Anyway, SATSR has some good and some bad. Basically, you find a magic ring which is like a genie's lamp, and out comes a genie. She tells you that there is an evil spirit who is getting out into the real world and he wants to destroy it. Of course, she can't just depend on some other person, she has to depend on Sonic, the legendary blue hedgehog. The control in the game is pretty simple but I don't really like it. You turn the Wii remote horizontally (like in Excite Truck) and turn it to the left to go left, and turn it to the right to go right. Tilt it forward to go forward, tilt it backwards to go backwards. I wish Sega couldn't have just made it so you hold it vertically and use the nunchku to go but if you get past the whole control thing there is an awesome new feature! You can complete challenging challenges to get new ring abilities that you can put into your ring of choice and use them to help you. Well, if you're listening to the game you'll hear some funny jokes and pretty good music. I would say that you might want to rent the game at least before buying it at all. This game is good, but probably not a classic.