Sonic and the Secret Rings brings fun but has to many glitchy moments, terrible voice acting, and a lame story.
Graphics, sure they look good... but from playing the game for about 2 minutes you will see behind the pretty visuals.
Sound, normal rock whatever music Sonic always has but its really bad. And thats just the music. If we are talking about sound... ugh there is this annoying girl that talks to you through out the entire game and you cannot repeat cannot TURN HER VOICE OFF!!
Value, If you are a Sonic fan you will like this game and not care about glitches and annoying people and lame jokes and story. But I like Sonic but not this game. Buy it if you think its right. But personaly its bad. Only a true sonic fan that loves sonic should buy it. Or little kids.
The Good, Twist and turn, crash and burn. Fun to go around the level. it's an alright fun, fast adventure.
The Bad, Glitchy visuals you will find through out the game and terrible music and a girl that will talk to you exacly when you dont want her to. Bad story just bad.
it was alright and fun for a while but it doesn't last long enough. the girl will drive you absolutely nuts.