Not a complete letdown like 2006 Sonic the Hedgehog, but nowhere near decent.
Controls: 4/10
If you've played any of the recent 3d sonic games, then you'll know its hard to control sonic, often because of the bad controls. This game uses the wiimote in a way that eases the difficulty of control, but unfortunately the coding done by the guys at Sonic Team, as well as the wii's poor tracking, make this game rather unpleasant. The controller is held sideways, like in Super Paper Mario. Moving left to right is done by tilting the wiimote in that direction. However, jumps have changed in this game, requiring you to hold the 2 button if you want to make a higher jump, which actually stops Sonic to crouch jump as if hes in Super Mario bros. 2. Moving backwards requires tilting the wiimote towards you, which the game will often confuse for a homing attack, which has you tilting the wiimote away from you.
Story: 5/10
A rather cheesy storyline with characters from the Sonic universe filling in a few roles from the Arabia Nights story, in which the game is loosely based on. But of course, people buying a sonic game aren't looking for a deep storyline.
Gameplay: 3/10
As I mentioned before, the game suffers from bad controls, and it also tends to have a few glitches here and there. As one point I was grinding a rail, and I had to jump to use a homing attack on three targets to reach the other side of a gap. However, I found out that the game would not allow you to jump from rails, and was propmtly dumped into the dark abyss of no return. On the following try, I was grinding an adjacent rail with a bumper at the end, to toss me in the air for a homing attack. As I slowed down, the game decided that I should gain some speed, and proceeded to MOVE me to the other rail, where I ended up failing once again. No jump animation whatsoever, it just stuttered for a moment and then switched me. Thats what you can expect for most of the game.
Graphics: 7/10
The graphics for this game are not too bad, but better than that of the 2006 Sonic game. The game looks pretty decent for a wii title.
Overall: 5/10
This is not the best Sonic game by far, but it does better than its multiplatform predecessor. I would only recommend this game to die-hard sonic fans, who have the patience to ignore the glitches and shotty controls of this game.