it good but one prob.
Gameplay 8.5: It is kinda like super smash bros. for the gba (I love ssb) its cool it is a fighting like ssb and you can run around in the arena like power stone for the dreamcast but the game is not all about fighting there are mini-games like Soniclash!, fly & get, mine hunt, Speed demon and Treasure Island so there are five mini games the bad part is 3 of the mini games you can only plauy with a friend 2 you can play by yourselves.
Sound 6.7: It is ok but some levels the music sucks but I like the little bites of the people on sonic battle like shadow said ugh maria and hey sugar stuff like that. The thing that shocked me was there was no 80s rock & roll music like in the new sonic games but overall the sound department was ok I could have been better.
Graphics 8.9: The area is 3D but the people are in 2D. I really like the areas in the games there colors in the game are sweet there bright and colorer full there is not much to say about the graphics I like the effects in the game like when you trow a bomb it look sweet.
Overall 7.8: It a ok fighting game in the sound could have been better the story is great it shocking at the end ( I am not saying the ending sorry losers) it was fun that all that matters so it gets a 7.8 out of 10 S: thekirby45