A good game without any real big flaws, but does have just enough annoyances to keep it from perfection.
Emerl, the RPG factor in the game, adds lots of replay value as the more you play, the more abilities and skill points he gets and therefore the stronger he gets. Of course, the game is already addicting enough without this addition of this go get a really high replay value.
Now for the bad stuff.
1. The field is 3D, and the characters and such are 2D. This creates 2 problems. The first is that when a character moves up or down they still face left or right, which gets a little confusing. The second is that you can't really tell EXACTLY where everything is, making traps more difficult to deal with.
2. THE BIG ISSUE. Sound. Some of the stuff is okay, like battles with the Phi robots have cool BGM and such. But some of the sound, about 30% of it, including the menu and select screens, have TERRIBLE music. I like how GameSpy puts it. “The already fake sounding electric guitar sounds like it’s being amped through a squirrel.” That pretty much sums it up.
In the end Sonic Battle is a good game without any real big flaws, but does have just enough annoyances to keep it from perfection.