Sonic CD’s soundtrack is enough to keep anyone coming back for more.
Sonic CD is noticeably different from some of the Sonic the Hedgehog cartridge titles, mostly due to its stellar soundtrack and extra replayability. Its visual atmosphere remains faithful to the Genesis, and really, a major graphical innovation wasn’t established here. By stating this, I’m not downing Sonic CD’s visual prowess. The levels retain that fresh sense of location. In other words, you’ll know where you are. It’s not difficult to distinguish a tropical setting from a technological one.
As is the case with most old-school Sonic games, the general gameplay doesn’t stray far from the original concept. There are, however, a few differences. Most notably, Sonic can tag certain special posts. These posts can transport Sonic to the past or the future of the area he’s treading. The levels’ appearance and setup will be transformed, and if that wasn’t enough, the BGM changes as well. When the past, present, and the good and bad futures of almost every level are added, there are over 60 of them to explore. That’s what I call variety!
Sonic’s speed seems to have been decreased, but perhaps Sonic Team made up for it by including a new ability: the Strike Dash. This move allows Sonic to anchor into place while he charges his legs in a figure-eight-like fashion. When the appropriate buttons are released, Sonic zooms forward. There’s a setback to this, however, because when Sonic is running forward during the Strike Dash, he’s unprotected. But in contrast with the Spin Dash, it isn’t necessary to charge the Strike Dash for more than a fraction of a second.
Sonic CD also sports improved replay value. A Time Attack mode is available, which permits players to race through any level of their choice, including the awesome Special Stages. There are other modes as well, such as the D.A. Garden (a specialized Sound Test) and the Visual Mode (contains various movies). And for the first time in the Sonic series, the player can save his progress throughout his journey! And yet, despite these great additions, Sonic CD’s soundtrack is enough to keep you coming back for more.
One of the reasons that this game has become somewhat of a cult classic is that Sonic’s “girlfriend”, Amy Rose, and his deadly nemesis, Metal Sonic, make their grand debut. Fans have also disputed regarding the North American and European / Japanese soundtracks. But no matter the case, all of them agree that Sonic the Hedgehog CD is completely amazing, and I agree with them.