This is a simple RPG game. Not too hard that only hardcore RPG fans can't play it, but easy enough for a baby to play...
Gameplay: 7
Though there is a story to this game, it doesn't draw you into it. You goal is to stop someone from taking the Master Emerald and the Chaos Emerald while traveling to different place, some of which you can't even look back at after one point in the game. To beat this guy Sonic teams up with Tails, Amy, Knuckles, Shadow, Big, Dr. Eggman, Cream, lame robot, and batgirl #3 plus more. Each person has there own fighting style and abilities inside and outside of battles. Tails and Cream are flying characters while Shadow and Sonic are your Speed people. Some can climb while others can sneaky around things or even teleport. One of the downsides to this is that you can only have 4 people on a team and one of those is well Sonic. That's not a bad thigh though. Until you have to have another team with Knuckles or Eggman as the leader and one is more over powered then the other leaving you at a point where you can move on unless you set back and fight 50 wild boars. Sometimes you don't have the right person on the team so you have to go all the way back to the safe house, where ever that might be in the level, and add him/her to the team.
Items do many things in the game but they are too easy to get. Fight a boar you get so and so healer. So you fight the next 50 of them and you get the same thing 50 times. But luckily there are shops where you can buy things to upgrade your status and sell junk you don't need. The money you get in the game is from rings you find out in the world. Each level will tell you the total amount of rings and eggs that can be found one the level and it won't take you long to if all of them. The eggs are more then likely one of the better things in the game. Each egg holds a Chao with in them. The different Chaos have different abilities to them and it's likely you'll get multiple versions of the same one. And because which one you get is random it might take a while to get some of the rare ones.
Fighting itself is put together well. Each turn your team can attack or defend the whole round. You can use one of the items for one turn and the rest do a basic move. You can't mix up what you do after you do said basic move or defend. This kind of sucks after awhile. Special moves will have you moving all over the screen. Each move uses some much energy for the person to use and sometimes if you have the right people you can do a group attack. The different moves you will be doing depend on the move you are doing. Sometimes it's hit here when I say so. Other it's hit me six times. Yet other times it's move along this path with me. Move of the more advance moves will have you doing long chains of these and sometimes missing one of them will weaken your attack. But if you can do it so can your foe. When whoever it is you are fighting uses one of these Special attacks you just hit whatever the screens says to hit (like with your own moves) and you can block it. This keeps the fighting fun. What doesn't is when everyone of your attacks is countered. The game never explains why this happens and how to stop it.
Graphics: 8
The graphics in this games are there own. Each level is nice looking and full of color. But they are also weird. The different characters are 3Dish making a different looking Sonic game. But for this type of game it works well. Though the game doesn't have many of them the cut scenes look like giant cartoons that are just plain different then the rest of the game. But none the less they still fit in with the feel of the game which once again is it's own feel.
Sounds: 7
This game haves limited to no voice acting, which is a plus. But with in the text talking you find remarks that keep the game light hearted most of the time. The music is good too. The one you'll hear the most, the battle back round music, doesn't wear off over time. In fact I could sit and listen to it all day if I really wanted to do so. Though it's a bit of a rock feel it fits the type of games. Also on the plus side is that there isn't any singing.
Speed: 7
The game is really short. No Wi-fi means no real replay value, other then Chao trading. For the most part you'll get around the world fast and you can tell the difference while playing between Sonic and Big (really Big? Why is he even still here?) in terms of running speed. Battles with the Special attacks can get done fast , even faster if they run away, or the fight can drag on if all you can do is one damage to a 450 Hp monster robot.
Overall: 7.0
Even with it's lack of story that pulls you in, shortness, and all around simpleness to the game it's still a good RPG for those who are just stepping into the world of RPGs, but not really for those who live and breath them. The game can be funny at times and even hard with some of the fights, but there is always around it and even a cheap way to level up that I'm not going to spoil.